Friday, April 10, 2015

Philemona Williamson explores adventures of adolescence at Soho gallery show

The June Kelly Gallery in Soho is presenting a collection of recent work by Philemona Williamson for the exhibition Black & Colored. For this show, Williamson unveils several intriguing oil paintings where she lets her imagination run wild, as her subjects include girls and women often in playful or dramatic situations. She also effectively captures the anxiety and curiosity that most young girls feel as they go through the transition from childhood to adulthood.

For instance, Round About Midnight depicts a girl about 12 or 13 years old in an awkward position as she is half-squatting, with her right foot as she presses her left foot against a small door, and both of her feet appear to be caught in a red web. She holds a pink stuffed bunny rabbit in one hand that she that she raises out in front of her, as she thrusts her other arm behind her which is bent as she carries a mysterious red sea creature in her hand. The girl’s head is turned toward the viewer with an intense expression on her face as dark blue skies can be seen behind her.

"Round About Midnight" (2015)

A similar painting titled Golden Afternoon also features a young girl in between two older women with all of them wearing bright, yellow dresses. The girl appears to be in the midst of a tug-of-war as the two women are clutching her dress, with one of them trying to pull her back, as the other tries to pull her forward. Another intriguing piece Invisible Run illustrates a tan-skinned girl with blonde pigtails running away as she tosses a stuffed animal behind her. The background is pitch black and the swift pace at which the girl is running is shown with swift brushstrokes that shadow the girl’s body including a faint shadow of one of her legs.

Williamson is a native New Yorker who received a bachelor's degree from Bennington College and a master’s degree in painting from New York University.  She is the recipient of numerous awards and her work has been shown in many one-person and group exhibitions across the country and around the world. Additionally, Williamson’s designs were included in Seasons, 18 fused-glass panels for the Metropolitan Transportation Authority’s Art in Transit program at the Livonia Subway Station in Brooklyn, and Folktales from Around the World, which are four glass mosaic murals for the New York City Board of Education at the Glen Oaks Campus School in Queens.

At The June Kelly Gallery, 166 Mercer St., through May 12. The gallery is open Tues.—Sat. from 11 a.m.—6 p.m.